Sink or Swim
03/19/2019 | Joanna Cummings
Could THC have a negative impact on sperm?
On the Origin of Cannabis
03/19/2019 | Jonathan James
How did cannabis come by its distinctive chemical composition?
Application Notes

Infrared Analysis of Cannabis Oil


In this short study, we used the Specac Pearl FTIR transmission spectrometer accessory to compare the FTIR spectra of two such commercial cannabis oils.

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Dedicated Cannabinoid Potency Testing Using the Agilent 1220 Infinity II LC System

The Agilent 1220 Infinity II LC system offers reliable and robust profiling and quantification for 11 of the most commonly targeted cannabinoids found in marijuana (Cannabis Sativa) and products such as edible foodstuffs derived from the plant material. The method was tested and vetted on two independent 1220 Infinity II LC systems.

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