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Shane Tichy

The Power List 2017

Shane Tichy

R&D LC/MS Single and Triple Quadrupole Manager, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, California, USA.

Proudest moment
My proudest accomplishment is the Ultivo Triple Quadrupole LC/MS mass spectrometer. I still remember the day – February 8, 2016, a Monday – when we observed signal on our newly built breadboard prototype for the first time. The team and I were overjoyed.

Exciting tech outside analytical science
Autonomous or self-driving cars. I’m quite excited with all the recent development and looking forward to safer roads, improved travel efficiency and having more free time!

Part of the Power List 2017

The Magnificent Tens

The Magnificent Tens
After 2016’s celebration of women in analytical science, we return to the Top 100 for 2017.
But there’s a twist. This summer, we asked you to nominate scientists in ten categories – from the stars of separation science, to omics explorers, to the mentors training the next generation.

Go to The Power List 2017

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