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Translational Science

Techniques & Tools Micro/Nano-scale

Chip Off the Old Block

| Steven Wilson

How can analytical chemistry support the rise of organoids and organ-on-a-chip technologies?

Fields & Applications Gas Chromatography

Diagnosis: Asthma

| Matt Hallam

Jean-François Focant answers our questions on the 'BreathPrint' study of MS for phenotyping asthma.

Techniques & Tools Technology

Photoacoustic Microscopy Makes All the Right Noises

| Luke Turner

A new laser technique uses vibrations to listen to the metabolic activity of cancer cells, shedding light (and sound) on intratumoral heterogeneity.

Techniques & Tools Clinical

Game of Exosomes

| Luke Turner

New lab-on-a-chip device that identifies tumor exosomes in blood samples may provide a noninvasive diagnostic tool for cancer patients.

Fields & Applications Clinical

Act Fast Against Infection

| Matthieu Legrand

A united front against antimicrobial resistance requires rapid diagnostics.

Techniques & Tools Micro/Nano-scale

Model Body Building

| Sabeth Verporte, Maarten Honing, Jaap den Toonder, Edmond Young

A triumph of biomedical engineering, organ-on-a-chip technology has given researchers an exciting new tool to explore biology.

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Breaking into Bio-medicine with Raman

| Wei Min

Sitting Down With… Wei Min, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Kavli Institute for Brain Science, Columbia University, New York, USA.

Fields & Applications Pharma & Biopharma

It's Complicated

| Bérangère Tissot

The potential market for complex generics is substantial, but navigating the FDA’s guidance for proving “sameness” is a real minefield...

Fields & Applications Metabolomics & Lipidomics

Biomarkers Beyond Our Wildest Dreams

| Luke Turner

Different glycosylation patterns in patients with idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder could predict the future onset of neurodegenerative disease.

Techniques & Tools Sensors

Sensing the Tiniest Change

| Menno Prins

A new biomarker sensing technology provides sensitive, specific monitoring for a wide range of patients

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