We've got a host of quicker reads for you this week! First up, we look into the savvy spectroscopy behind the most recent findings of water in the sunlit zones of the Moon. Kim Esbensen argues that representative sampling is still vitally important and tells the story behind his introductory textbook on the subject. Also on offer: highlights from a recent feasibility study into the power of GC-IMS for COVID-19 testing, and a shorter piece about how MS is helping researchers identify biomarkers for osteoarthritis. Enjoy!


Lauren Robertson, Deputy Editor.

The Mother of All Introductory Sampling Textbooks?
12/07/2020 | Kim H. Esbensen
Kim Esbensen discusses the importance of representative sampling
Finding Osteoarthritis’ Missing Link with Mass Spectrometry
11/20/2020 | Olivia Gaskill
Mass spectrometry may help identify reliable biomarkers for osteoarthritis
Take My Breath Assay
12/08/2020 | Matt Hallam
Could point-of-care breath tests tighten our grasp on the pandemic?
Water on Sunlit Moon
12/09/2020 | Lauren Robertson
A unique spectral signature confirms the presence of water in sunlit zones – a boon for deep space exploration
On Demand: Increasing Lab Uptime with a Nitrogen Gas Generator

Gas generators represent the gas source of choice for cost-effective and reliable LC/MS analyses. Here, Ed Connor explains the specific benefits of a Peak gas generator in labs conducting LC-MS/MS. VIEW NOW

Application Notes
Quantitative Analysis of Flame Retardant TDCPP in Cushion Foam

Quantitative analysis of a toxic flame retardant Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate (TDCPP) in polyurethane foam by Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) and Multi-step Pyrolysis (MSP) with a GC/MS is covered. Read more

Reducing Extractables and Leachables when Filtering Samples for LCMS Applications

The improvement of method sensitivity in LCMS instrumentation brings with it an increased need to reduce the extraction and leaching of chemicals from filter membranes, which Acrodisc® MS can reduce. Read more

Improving detection of trace-level aroma compounds and off-odours in beverages

This study shows how GC–MS performance for the sampling of aroma compounds and off-odours in beverages can be enhanced by using techniques incorporating trap-based preconcentration. Read more

High-quality in operando x-ray diffraction analysis of pouch bag lithium-ion batteries

Pouch cell batteries can be used in combination with hard X-rays in transmission geometry to perform in situ and in operando studies during charge/discharge cycles and for aging studies. Read more

The 1Der for operando XRD measurements

For a truly multipurpose Empyrean the 1Der has opened the possibilities for a truly wide variety of measurements. With 1Der on Empyrean you can unlock a new sense of wonder and discover more about your materials. Read more

Product Profiles
Sciencix HPLC PM Kits

Reduce repair expenses by up to 30% with our equivalent to corresponding OEM repair parts. Make a wise financial decision by using our parts to keep your instruments performing at an optimal level! Learn more

BIP Technology is Changing the Way People Think about High Purity Gas

Most GC users know that carrier gas impurities can negatively impact their results, and the longevity of their column. However, simply choosing a high purity gas isn’t always enough to eliminate them. Read more

UCT’s 30+ Year, Gold-Standard C18 SPE Column

UCT’s rugged Clean-Up® C18 SPE Column has quickly become to go-to cannabis filtration approach to isolate your cannabinoids from your pesticides - Available in both SPE and push-thru column formats. Read more

Simplify LC Method Migration with Pro EZLC Method Translator

Pro EZLC method translation software makes it quick and easy to scale down an existing LC method to a smaller column format so you can speed up run time, increase sample throughput, and reduce solvent use. Read more

Special Promotions
Keep up with the speed of science with the Lab-Forward Trade-In Program

Trading in your instruments is faster, easier and more affordable than ever. For a limited time, get credit toward a brand-new instrument and deep discounts on the latest technology Read more

Escape the trap - Top reasons to choose Agilent Q-TOF

Agilent Q-TOF goes beyond resolution, combining the power of uncompromised detection with high dynamic range. View this eBook to see how Q-TOF helps to achieve excellent results for your lab. 

From The Cannabis Scientist team comes a dedicated cannabis + cannabinoid science newsletter

A weekly digest bringing you the latest discoveries, analytical advances, and business updates in the cannabis + cannabinoid science sector in a 5-minute read. Sign me up now

Events to Watch Out for in 2021

We work with event organizers from all around the world to help bring the analytical science community together, from large congresses to intimate meetings that fit around a table. Discover some of the events that we partner with and and stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

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