Evolved Gas Analysis and Multi-step Pyrolysis of Tea Bag Using the Pyroprobe with GC/MS
contributed by CDS |
This application note demonstrates Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) and Multi-step Pyrolysis (MSP) with GC/MS on two different tea bag samples..
Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world. According to the UK Tea and Infusions Association, over 60 billion cups of tea are consumed every year, and 96% of the tea-drinkers steep tea in a tea bag rather than brewing loose tea leaves. The common consumer misconception has been that the tea bag is made from filter paper and remains plastic free, until a recent media coverage by BBC News on research work from McGill University, which concluded that a single tea bag released about 11.6 billion microplastic and 3.1 billion smaller nanoparticles into the hot water1 .
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