High Throughput Analysis of Formaldehyde in Fragrances

contributed by Syft Technologies |
Volatile compounds can be harmful to human health if present in consumer or drug products at levels that represent a toxicological risk. Formaldehyde is of particular concern, because it is a known human carcinogen (e.g., US NTP (2011), European Commission (2018))) and can arise from impurities in, or degradation of, ingredients, or from residual impurities in packaging materials. Formaldehyde is, however, challenging to analyze using conventional chromatographic techniques (both gas and liquid chromatography; GC and LC) due to its high polarity, high reactivity, and the need for sample preconcentration and solvent extraction. Alternatively, selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) can analyze formaldehyde directly in headspace at toxicologically relevant concentrations.
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