Improve Semivolatiles Method Performance with Rxi-SVOCms Columns

contributed by Restek |
- Ensure accuracy and sensitivity with good peak shape, response, and resolution.
- Highly inert, ultra-low bleed column provides excellent results for active compounds at trace levels.
- Increase productivity with stable calibrations and consistent column-to-column performance.
Semivolatiles methods are essential parts of environmental testing programs, yet they can be difficult for labs to run efficiently because target analyte lists are extensive, and they contain different types of reactive compounds. To accurately report semivolatiles, particularly reactive ones, highly inert columns must be used to ensure good chromatography and stable calibrations. Rxi-SVOCms columns, which are designed specifically for semivolatiles analysis, feature optimized selectivity, exceptional inertness, and very low bleed, characteristics that result in improved analytical performance and increased lab productivity.
As shown below, good peak shapes and responses are obtained for a diverse array of reactive compounds, including acidic phenols (pentachlorophenol and dinitrophenol) and amines (benzidine and pyridine), analytes that are typically problematic in semivolatiles methods. Split injection is used here and recommended because it minimizes the accumulation of active sites created by matrix components during actual sample analysis. Because the Rxi-SVOCms column is so inert, tailing is minimized, which improves peak shape and response, making accurate integration easy and reliable. Better chromatographic performance improves sensitivity and reproducibility, so calibrations pass for longer periods of time, and more samples can be analyzed before recalibration is needed.
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