Low Extractable Syringe Filters for LCMS Applications
contributed by Pall |
Gilbert E. Tumambac, Weibing Ding, and Larry Scheer, Pall Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
In analytical sample preparation, extraction and leaching of chemical compounds from filters are major concerns, particularly when using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) for analysis. LCMS has gained popularity due to its versatility and superior sensitivity for both qualitative and quantitative analyses. In LCMS instrumentation, one of the major foci of recent advancements is the improvement of method sensitivity that affords analysis at much lower limits of detection (< pg/mL).1
The emerging trend in LCMS enables analysis at low levels, while the demand to reduce external contaminations, such as those coming from the filter, becomes more apparent. It is obvious that an underlying issue, when filtration is used for sample preparation, is the need to reduce the amount of extractables and leachables in the filter effluents that may ultimately jeopardize analytical results and data interpretation. To address this concern, Pall has introduced a new, unique Acrodisc® MS syringe filter that is certified for low extractables in highly sensitive LCMS methods.
This Application Note compares the cleanliness of the effluents using Pall’s Acrodisc MS syringe filters with two other commercially-available, alternative syringe filters from Competitor A (PVDF filter) and Competitor B (hydrophilic PTFE filter) by LCMS analysis under the same filtration and test conditions unless otherwise noted.2
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