What isomeric analytes are you missing in your biotherapeutic analysis?
Watch Now! The MOBIE platform reveals fresh insights through High-Res Ion Mobility.

contributed by MOBILion Systems Inc |
High-resolution ion mobility mass spectrometry (HRIM-MS) is a versatile gas-phase separation technique orthogonal to liquid chromatography that unmasks analytes in applications spanning pharma, biopharma, and biotech industries that would otherwise go undetected. The charge and shape-dependent ion mobility measurement ensures an additional level of precision when analyzing peptide therapeutics, glycoproteins, protein subunits, or intact proteins. The 13m SLIM path within the MOBIE instrument offers clear visualization and separation of analytes across the entire mass range, and enables filtering of excipients and impurities for a clearer picture of the data you care about. Unlock HRIM-MS's potential for diverse analytical applications.

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