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Kimberly Moser

Kimberly Moser

“Chemistry was the furthest thought from my mind when I took a student position eleven years ago – I just wanted a job. This has developed into loving what I do and cannot think of anyplace where I would be happier,” says Kimberly Moser of the University of Oklahoma Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. She is the Instructional Laboratory Manager responsible for the undergraduate laboratories in the chemistry teaching program. “These people are under my care while they are here – graduates, undergraduates, staff and faculty. Too often do we see tragic stories in the news regarding chemical incidents. Our purpose in a University is to educate and this includes teaching people to respect and understand their surroundings. Love for these people and care for their well-being is how I developed into a motivator for safety in academia.”

Content by Kimberly Moser:

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