Humanity in Science Award 2016
Waseem Asghar, Assistant Professor at Florida Atlantic University, received the 2016 Humanity in Science Award for his development of flexible sensors for the rapid and cost-effective diagnosis of HIV in point-of-care settings.
He was given the award at a gala dinner during Analytica 2016, where he presented his work to an audience of renowned researchers and academics from across the analytical sciences.
The annual Humanity in Science Award was established in 2014 by The Analytical Scientist and Phenomenex, and recognizes altruism and innovation in the analytical sciences. Each year, winners are rewarded for breakthroughs that contribute to the improved health or wellbeing of humankind, with a prize of $25,000.
Winner of the 2016 Humanity in Science Awards and Assistant Professor, Department of Computer & Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Biological Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, USA.