Anthony Purcell
The Power List 2020 – Australia

Head of the Immunoproteomics Laboratory and Deputy Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, and Vice-President of the Australian Proteomics Society, Australia, and Councillor of the Human Proteome Organization, Canada
Reason for pursuing analytical science: I have always been interested in how things work and was constantly pulling appliances apart as a kid – and (sometimes) successfully rebuilding them. That is essentially what I do now – but at the molecular level! I always tell my students that mass spectrometers never lie – they are just often misinterpreted. I love the purity of the data and the excitement of identifying something totally novel.
Misconceptions of science in Australia: Australian science has always punched above its weight. We have a relatively small, but dynamic and innovative community in the analytical sciences and a proud tradition of MS and its application to the life sciences.
Advice to younger self: Take time to enjoy all the small moments – life gets so busy we often fail to acknowledge the small successes in the careers of our students and postdocs. Celebrate every paper and grant success like it’s your last, because you never know!