Caroline West
The Power List 2020 – Europe

Professor, Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Orléans, France
Greatest inspiration: My mother. She is a role model both professionally and personally. We share the same love of learning new things and the desire to share that knowledge. I try to keep the same balance that she had of being deeply committed to her job, while always being present for her family.
Time travel destination: I would go back to the eighteenth century, when you could be both a writer, a scientist, a philosopher, and an artist – and when there was still so much to discover that you could be involved in several areas of science. Progress in science has made us all much more specialized – I don’t like being stuck in one box, I like to explore different areas.
Advice to younger self: Firstly, to be more indulgent. But more importantly, to be more forgiving to small deficiencies – in things, in people, and especially in myself. Perfection is not in this world. Just do your best!