Susan Olesik
Dow Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, USA
Nominator comment: Olesik pioneered the field of enhanced-fluidity liquid chromatography — now commonly used by the pharmaceutical industry. Her two recent awards (the Award for Chromatography and the ACS Helen M. Free Award for Public Outreach) highlights the breadth of Olesik’s accomplishments in both high impact research and extraordinary advocacy for public understanding of science.
Qualities of a successful mentor or educator?A successful mentor and educator must listen first and guide second.
Attracting talent… We must show young students the importance and positive impact that analytical science brings to many people’s lives and the world as a whole.
Biggest challenge facing the field? We’re not attracting and retaining enough talent to sustain the field. We must work hard to fix this issue.
Controversial opinion? Understanding fundamentals is essential. New methods will develop over time, but understanding the fundamentals of science can help you continually advance the field. All too often, people look for shortcuts and mistakes are made.
Book for scientists? Equity for Women in Science: Dismantling Systemic Barriers to Advancement by Cassidy Sugimoto and Vincent Larivière. This book illustrates that the current rate of progress parity for women and men in physical science will take over a century.