Advances in Sample Preparation and Elemental Analysis E-book
An answer to atomic spectroscopy’s most frustrating traits, the beginner’s guide to ICP-MS, sample prep solutions, and more elemental analysis advances await
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“ICP torches of today may not look much different from Fassel’s torch of five decades ago, but every step from sample introduction to signal processing has evolved.” – Michael Webb on solution-cathode glow discharge and why it may be the answer to atomic spectroscopy’s most frustrating traits.
“When ICP-MS was first commercialized, the early instruments were a little unpredictable, and quite prone to breakdowns. However, as the technique became more mature, the quality of instrument components, and hence the reliability, improved. You should therefore be aware of the instrument components that are more problematic than others.” – Robert Thomas presents a beginner’s guide to ICP-MS.
“The method required minimal sample preparation and provided immediate visual confirmation, and the latter technique allowed us to access particles embedded deeper within the matrix.” – Zuzana Gajdosechova on her ICP-MS-based research that confirmed the presence of metal particles in cannabis vapes – raising alarm bells for more rigorous testing protocols.
For more elemental analysis insights and sample prep solutions…