A new spectroradiometer drastically improves filter quality
“Together with partner CEC (Cutting-Edge-Coatings GmbH) Admesy improved the accuracy of demanding filtercoatings deposited by their ion beam sputtering machine by a large margin – by implementing the new Neo series spectroradiometer platform.”

contributed by Admesy |
Admesy develops spectroradiometers, colorimeters and light meters. They are used in large volume 24/7 production testing as well in smaller volume niche system manufacturers. One example is the successful cooperation now started with Cutting Edge Coatings GmbH (CEC).
CEC is a spin-off company of world-renowned Laser Zentrum Hannover, Germany. Since 2007 CEC focusses on developing ion beam sputtering (IBS) deposition systems.
CEC’s Navigator IBS deposition system is designed to achieve the highest quality coating processes, ranging from high performance coating equipment for R&D to high capacity coating machines for industrial mass production, and covering optical wavelengths from deep ultraviolet and visible to infrared. Combining 30 years IBS coating experience from the Laser Zentrum Hannover and CEC, Navigator IBS system can produce coatings for very high performance laser components and various optical filters, such as: HR coating, AR coating, complex filters and different kinds of other coatings.
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