Automated Fractionation of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) in Soil Using ISOLUTE® EPH SPE Columns on Biotage® Extrahera™
contributed by Biotage |
ISOLUTE® EPH SPE columns and associated methodologies have been optimized to efficiently fractionate EPHs into aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic (PAH) fractions (C8–C40 aliphatics, C10–C22 aromatics).
The principle is similar to the approach taken by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) and TPH criteria working group (TPHCWG) methods. However, compared to these methods, the ISOLUTE EPH fractionation column has been significantly reduced in size and the sorbent has been optimized. This allows an automationcompatible method of fractionation which overcomes the common problem of PAH breakthrough into the aliphatic fraction, in addition to reduced solvent volumes.
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