Purification of allosteric agonist - positive allosteric modulator for a7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (TQS derivative) with Thermo Scientific Hypersil GOLD column chemistry
Commentary and practical tips for mastering compound purification easily and effectively
contributed by Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Showcase a structured approach on how to achieve successful purification of synthetic, a7 nAChR, biological active compound for research and discovery. Presentation of an effective strategy and tools to accomplish high substance purity with minimized target substance loss.
The general objective of COBRA (Chimie Organique Bioorganique Réactivité et Analyse, or translated - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, Reactions and Analysis) is to develop new innovative synthesis methods and apply them to the various sub-domains of the associated disciplines. The sub domains are bioorganic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, environmentally sustainable chemistry, and material science related chemistry.
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