Extraction of THC, THCA and Carboxy-THC from Oral Fluid

contributed by Biotage |
This application note describes the extraction of THC, THCA
and Carboxy-THC from oral fluid matrix collected using the
Quantisall™ (Immunalysis) device, prior to GC/MS analysis.
ISOLUTE® SLE+ Supported Liquid Extraction plates and columns offer an efficient alternative to traditional liquidliquid extraction (LLE) for bioanalytical sample preparation, providing high analyte recoveries, no emulsion formation, and significantly reduced sample preparation.
This application note describes an effective and efficient ISOLUTE SLE+ protocol optimized for 400 μL and 1 mL sample capacity formats. The simple sample preparation procedure delivers clean extracts and analyte recoveries greater than 75% with RSDs lower than 10% for all analytes.
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