Improving Feature Detection and Putative Identification For Tissue Imaging Applications Using the SELECT SERIES™ Multi ‑Reflecting-ToF (MRT) Mass Spectrometer

contributed by Waters |
HRMS DESI Imaging with the SELECT SERIES MRT Mass Spectrometer delivers enhanced mass accuracy and mass resolution compared to a conventional research grade oa-QToF mass spectrometer. The >200,000 FWHM mass resolution provided by the MRT mass spectrometer enables superior analyte detection and the <500 ppb mass accuracy improves putative biomarker identification.
Analysis of wild type murine adrenal gland tissue sections using a DESI-MRT Mass Spectrometer. Demonstrating the improvement in tissue analyte detection and identification using DESI on the MRT mass spectrometer, compared to a conventional oa-QToF Mass Spectrometer.
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