Molecular Weight Determination for Dextran 40/60/70 According to USP/EP Monograph
contributed by PSS |
A specific e-workflow in PSS WinGPC MCDS allows for calibration and molar mass determination for Dextran 40, 60 and 70 as stated by USP and EP.
Dextran is used as a blood plasma volume expander or blood flow improver. The dextran molar mass is crucial for the success of the therapy.
PSS WinGPC UniChrom is a macromolecular chromatography data system (MCDS) that offers comprehensive solutions for the characterization of macromolecules with GPC/SEC/GFC, interaction polymer chromatography (IPC) and 2-dimensional chromatography (2D) supporting all multi-detection techniques. Specific e-workflows in WinGPC guide scientists through special tasks such as United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and European Pharmacopoeia (EP) recommended low-molecular-weight (LMW) heparin calibration and analysis, sieve curve and MW cut-off determination or gelatin-specific calibration and multi-area analysis.
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