SIFT-MS: A Highly Reproducible Real-Time Trace Gas Analysis Technology

contributed by Syft Technologies |
Syft Technologies market leadership in trace gas analysis for over 20 years is in part derived from its highly robust, reliable, and reproducible selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) instrumentation. This article highlights fleet reproducibility data that was collected using identical analytical methods to isolate the variable of the instrument itself. The following results are from measuring certified standards without applying any external calibration procedures:
• The 95% confidence interval was below 21% for each of the nine different analytes for ten instruments built on the new generation technology platform. This technology represents our Syft Tracer instrument.
• The 95% confidence interval was below 38% for each of the six different analytes for 27 instruments built on the legacy technology platform manufactured over the last five years. This technology represents our now discontinued Voice200infinity analysers.
This shows that users of Syft’s instrumentation can expect directly comparable results across different instruments, installations, and time providing them with confidence in quantitation.
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