The power of intelligent digital electrodes in meeting GLP requirements for quality control applications
More than ever before, we set goals and procedures for obtaining correct, accurate analysis results, but also for data storage. This needs to be as complete as possible.

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One result is only part of a big picture, but every link in a procedure is important. By improving each analysis, you can have confidence in the whole.
pH measurement is only a small part in quality control, but an incorrect result can make an analysis fail completely.
‘Intelligent digital electrodes’, combined with the right equipment and correct use, give lab managers the most accurate and complete results.
pHenomenal® MD8000 multiparameter digital meters, with intelligent electrodes, streamline all your electrochemical measurements in the lab.
You can cover a wide range of measurements, such as pH, redox, conductivity, or dissolved oxygen (with an optical sensor), temperature and even turbidity with only one instrument.
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