Antibody Analysis for Avian Influenza
New device offers a 20-minute test to detect virus antibodies
A new portable analyzer can detect anti-avian influenza antibodies in blood serum in just 20 minutes (1). The technology, which consists of liquid crystal molecules, an image sensor, and a microfluidic device, rapidly indicates antibody presence and weighs only 5.5 kg. The researchers who conceived it also developed an accompanying fluorescein-labeled protein reagent, which binds only to the anti-H5 avian influenza antibody.
To conduct the test, serum and reagent are mixed for 15 minutes, then injected into the microfluidic device and measured by a portable fluorescence polarization analyzer. Samples containing bound antibodies and reagent create smaller molecular movements, producing a different degree of polarization. Could the test also be used against COVID-19? “By reproducing fragments of spike proteins expressed in the novel coronavirus to use as the reagent, the analyzer should be able to detect anti-coronavirus antibodies,” said Hokkaido University’s Manabu Tokeshi (2).

Credit: Keine Nishiyama et al. (1).
- K Nishiyama et al., Sens Actuators B Chem, 316 (2020). PMID: 32322135.
- Hokkaido University (2020). Available at: https://bit.ly/3i82hXk.
While completing my undergraduate degree in Biology, I soon discovered that my passion and strength was for writing about science rather than working in the lab. My master’s degree in Science Communication allowed me to develop my science writing skills and I was lucky enough to come to Texere Publishing straight from University. Here I am given the opportunity to write about cutting edge research and engage with leading scientists, while also being part of a fantastic team!