Great SciX-pectations
The chairs of SciX 2016 offer a sneak preview of this year’s conference
The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) is hard at work putting the finishing touches to SciX 2016, which takes place in Minneapolis in September. With diverse programming, a wide variety of exhibitors, major award presentations, and numerous networking opportunities, attendees will experience everything they’ve come to expect from FACSS/SciX. Here are a few highlights of the strong and diverse conference planned by the SciX 2016 team.
Two new hands-on workshops will be presented this year, both focusing on STEM education and partially funded through a grant from the Kerith Foundation. On Sunday September 18 Celeste Morris from Northern Kentucky University will be teaching the Introduction to Arduinos workshop followed by the Advanced Uses of Arduinos on Monday September 19. Also designed with educators in mind is the Flipping the Analytical Classroom workshop on Tuesday September 20, taught by Chris Harrison, San Diego State University. Attendees will learn how to use various low-cost hardware and software technologies to produce instructional videos for use in teaching. Both workshops have low fees to promote enrollment by students and educators, and other low-cost workshops will be available.
The SciX conference has expanded its separations programming in recent years, and we are co-meeting with the 23rd International Symposium of Electro- and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques (ITP) in 2016. ITP programming will be across the first four days of the conference, and all SciX attendees have the opportunity to attend any of the 17 sessions organized by ITP co-chairs Ziad El Rassi and Blanca Lapizco-Encinas. There will also be two workshops organized by ITP on Sunday plus various social events specific to ITP attendees.
Lastly, the SciX section chairs have worked hard to organize strong section programs for the 2016 conference overarching most aspects of analytical chemistry. There will be cutting-edge symposia in hot areas such as atomic spectroscopy, pharmaceutical analysis, process analytical technology, security and forensics, surface plasmon resonance – and a Surface Science and Nanotechnology program. All sessions will include aspects of fundamental science as well as applications.
A special focus this year will be on Easing World Poverty, with a closing session on Science Beyond Borders also planned. Other special sessions at SciX 2016 focus on Women and Diversity in Analytical Sciences, and Art and Archeology.
We look forward to welcoming you to Minneapolis!
Alexandra Ros is Program Chair and Mary Kate Donais is General Chair of the SciX conference.
SciX 2016 will be held September 18 - 23, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Minneapolis. www.scixconference.org
Deadline for poster abstracts: 31 July, 2016. Submit via the SciX website.
A former library manager and storyteller, I have wanted to write for magazines since I was six years old, when I used to make my own out of foolscap paper and sellotape and distribute them to my family. Since getting my MSc in Publishing, I’ve worked as a freelance writer and content creator for both digital and print, writing on subjects such as fashion, food, tourism, photography – and the history of Roman toilets.