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Great SciX-pectations Part II

“The SciX convention this year will offer me the opportunity to see the breadth of spectroscopy work across a number of wavelengths, techniques, and disciplines. This will be a rare opportunity to meet researchers both in fields related to mine and ones that I have little insight into at present. Many times the most exciting ideas and discoveries come from connecting with researchers with knowledge and capabilities beyond your current boundaries. I very much looking forward to some exciting presentations and discussions and hope to leave the conference full of new ideas for exploring the planets using spectroscopy as a tool.”

– Ray Arvidson, James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor, Washington University in Saint Louis

“I think it’s very exciting to welcome the International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid-phase Separation Techniques (ITP 2016) as a co-meeting partner for the first time. One of the benefits of the SciX meeting is for attendees to be exposed to cutting edge developments in disciplines outside of their own, and the addition of ITP2016 to the program continues and strengthens this goal.

I always appreciate the award plenaries because my students have the opportunity to see and hear from luminaries in a wide range of analytical disciplines. My favorite session is always the FACSS Innovation Award session on Thursday afternoon, especially because of the rigorous Q&A session following each talk.”

– Glen Jackson, Ming Hsieh Distinguished Professor, Forensic and Investigative Science & C. Eugene Bennett Department of Chemistry, West Virginia University

“I’m looking forward to seeing the new breakthroughs in vibrational spectroscopy, especially in Raman spectroscopy. New applications in bioanalytical chemistry and aqueous solutions look extremely promising!”

– Paul S Cremer, J. Lloyd Huck Chair in Natural Sciences, Penn State University

“I am interested in discovering how the NanoIR and discrete frequency IR communities have moved forward. In particular, I am interested in learning about any killer applications of NanoIR, especially in the biomedical / clinical domain for the excellent hardware that has been developed over the past few years. It will also be great to have the opportunity to see the breadth of research available at SciX – it is good to be able to mix Raman and IR analysis with novel hardware development, data analysis and some mass spectrometry.”

– Matthew Baker, Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry University of Strathclyde

“I always enjoy attending SciX to experience the newest developments in applied and process Raman spectroscopy. This year, I am excited to see what new Raman developments will be presented both in the technical sessions and at the exhibits. I am also looking forward to attending some of the LIBS talks as well.”

– Brian Marquardt, Applied Physics Lab, University of Washington

“SciX is my favourite annual conference as it has a fantastic range of talks covering the breadth of the analytical sciences. I am particularly interested in the very strong Raman and SPR programmes and their applications for bioanalytical applications, as there is always an excellent mix of invited and contributed talks across these two programmes – there is always new and exciting research being presented. In particular, I am really looking forward to Prof Aydogan Ozcan’s keynote presentation, as he is doing really exciting work in the development of small portable devices for smart global health systems. There is also a session on portable Raman that I am particularly looking forward to; instrumentation advances very quickly and some of the devices being developed are amazing. Of course, SciX is also a very social conference, and is a great place to meet up with collaborators – I’m looking forward to catching up with some old and new faces!”

– Karen Faulds, Director of EPSRC and MRC CDT in Optical Medical Imaging, University of Strathclyde

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About the Author
Joanna Cummings

A former library manager and storyteller, I have wanted to write for magazines since I was six years old, when I used to make my own out of foolscap paper and sellotape and distribute them to my family. Since getting my MSc in Publishing, I’ve worked as a freelance writer and content creator for both digital and print, writing on subjects such as fashion, food, tourism, photography – and the history of Roman toilets.

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