Innovation Showcase

EcoSEC-HT – Unmatched Stability for High Temperature GPC
Tosoh Bioscience launched a compact high temperature system for the GPC analysis of engineering polymers and a set of suitable TSKgel GPC columns.

The EcoSEC-HT, a new all-in-one high temperature GPC/SEC system, provides thermostatization up to 220 °C. Autoinjector, pumps, and a dual-flow refractive index (RI) detector with an independent temperature control are integrated in a compact system including safety features, such as auto-lock doors and gas sensors. The combination of a high performance heating system and the extremely stable RI detector speeds up equilibration time and reduces the baseline noise. The optional sample processing unit can process up to 24 samples at temperature programs ranging from 40 to 220 °C. The TSKgel GMHHR- HT2 series of GPC columns was developed to complement the HT GPC system when using the maximum temperature range up to 220°C.
Tosoh Bioscience, a global leader in the field of bioseparation, offers a comprehensive line of biopurification media, (U)HPLC columns and SEC/GPC instruments.

Setting New Benchmarks in Antibody Analyis
Tosoh Bioscience expanded the renowned TSKgel SW series of SEC columns by new silica-based (U)HPLC columns covering different aspects of antibody analysis.

TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP supports high throughput antibody analysis and was developed for easy transfer of SEC methods, which have been developed on conventional gel filtration columns, to fast UHPLC analysis. TSKgel SuperSW mAb HR, designed for high resolution monoclonal analysis, provides superior resolution for the analysis of fragments, monomers, and aggregates in one run. TSKgel UltraSW Aggregate covers the range of higher molecular weights and best separates antibody dimers and higher aggregates. The new columns are ideally used in UHPLC instruments, even though the columns will not create back pressures exceeding the pressure limits of standard HPLC systems.
Tosoh Bioscience, a global leader in the field of bioseparation, offers a comprehensive line of biopurification media, (U)HPLC columns and SEC/GPC instruments.

Select-eV – Revolutionary Variable-energy Ion Source Technology for GC–MS
Select-eV allows the analyst to adjust the energy used for electron ionisation on a sliding scale down to 10 eV.

Offering variable-energy electron ionisation with no loss of sensitivity, Select-eV is poised to revolutionise the way analysts approach the identification of challenging samples by GC–MS. When ionisation at 70 eV doesn’t discriminate between similar compounds, Select-eV allows effortless switching to the lower ionisation energies that preserve the molecular ion and structurally significant fragments needed for reliable assignment.
Available with the ALMSCO BenchTOF series of mass spectrometers and due to launch in late January 2014, Select-eV technology allows the analyst to harness the power of soft ionisation without the need to use reagent gases or switch ion sources.
Since 1997, Markes International has led the way in developing instrumentation to enhance the measurement of trace-level chemicals by GC.

Chromolith® HighResolution HPLC Columns
Speed, packing shape, and reproducibility – Nothing to lose, everything to gain

Chromolith® HighResolution columns are the ideal alternative to sub 3 µm particle columns: At a 1 ml/min flow rate a chromatogram run on a Chromolith® HighResolution column looks almost identical to the same chromatogram run on the 2.6 µm ID core-shell particle column, but with significantly less back-pressure. In addition, Chromolith HighResolution provides a min 30% longer column lifetime.
Merck Millipore’s monolithic Chromolith® columns are made from a single rod of high-purity monolithic silica, rather than from particles. Their unique bimodal pore structure allows two-three times faster analysis then particle-packed columns. Method transfer from particulate to monolithic Chromolith® columns is easy since the chromatographic selectivity of Chromolith® columns is very similar to that of many modern particulate HPLC columns.
Merck Millipore is the Life Science division of Merck KGaA of Germany and offers a broad range of innovative, performance products, services and business relationships that enable our customers’ success in research, development and production of biotech and pharmaceutical drug therapies. Merck Millipore operates as EMD Millipore in the US and Canada.
Robustness Testing with DryLab®4
The Robustness Module tests the tolerance limits of your working point by evaluating how small fluctuations in up to six method parameters affect the critical resolution of the separation.

Robustness testing is a vital stage of method development that determines the success of a method and the likelihood of Out of Specification (OoS) results.
Due to small unpredictable inconsistencies in experimental conditions, this testing is necessary to ensure that a statistically safe set point is chosen during method development.
Our new robustness module aims to reduce the risk of OoS results by calculating the number of successful experiments that result from given variabilities in six of the most influential parameters of the method.
It also determines which factors are especially sensitive to variations and must be strictly controlled to maintain the desired critical resolution.
These calculations take under one minute, and based on the outcome, the set point can be easily changed to get safer results immediately.
By employing this module, users can quickly find methods that have a 100% success rate in routine applications!
Molnár-Institute develops DryLab®4, the next generation (U)HPLC modeling software. With its comprehensive resolution and robustness mapping abilities, DryLab®4 offers an intuitive and visual solution for method development, optimization, trouble-shooting, robustness testing, and training. To learn more, visit our website.

Agilent Inert Flow Path Solutions – Eliminating the Weakest Link
Agilent Inert Flow Path solutions ensure a reliably inert GC flow path for higher sensitivity, accuracy, and reproducibility… especially at trace levels.

Regulatory agencies are continuously lowering requirements for GC and GCMS detection limits of increasingly active analytes. To achieve these part-per-million, or part-per-trillion levels, you cannot afford adsorption caused by flow path activity. For labs that need to perform trace level analysis on very active compounds, Agilent Inert Flow Path solutions minimize activity along every step of the flow path and ensure a reliably inert flow path for higher sensitivity, accuracy, and reproducibility. These analyses can now be done with the utmost confidence because the inert flow path ensures that analytes reach the detector to achieve the exceptionally low detection levels offered by the latest detector technology.
Creating an inert flow path requires identifying then deactivating all internal surfaces of the flow path that could come in contact with the sample. The combined impact of specialized surface chemistries for varying materials with a solid understanding of GC design and component functionality results in an extremely inert flow path for GC.
Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) is the world’s premier measurement company and a technology leader in chemical analysis, life sciences, diagnostics, electronics and communications.

Clarity MS Software Solution
DataApex integrated MS capabilities into their chromatography SW package; users can benefit from simplified workflow

Clarity Chromatography Software version 5.0 newly includes the MASS SPECTRA (MS) data processing module. It has been designed to provide seamless integration between the MS detector and chromatograph. Clarity MS enables users to evaluate MS spectral and conventional chromatography data together in one software. Spectral data, together with chromatograms, add a third dimension to analytical data analysis. The software provides interactive spectral analysis, peak purity analysis and compound identification based on spectral library search. Clarity MS is currently offered primarily as an OEM solution. The first of the supported MS systems is Advion’s Line of Expression CMS.
DataApex is an independent chromatography software vendor, recognized for reliable, easy-to-use products and extensive customer support.

Clarity Chromatography Software Can Control More Than 450 Instruments
Flexible solution that provides unified interface for multi-vendor instrumentation. The portfolio of controlled instruments is constantly growing.

DataApex provides tools for GC/HPLC/MS detector manufacturers, allowing them to easily develop control drivers for their instruments and easily join the established independent platform of Clarity Chromatography Software. Besides extensive functionality, Clarity brings easy operation, unmatched free user support, including free SW updates and optional extensions for specific applications (PDA, SST, GPC, NGA, CE etc.) Clarity SW is available in English, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French and German localizations. Recently introduced, Clarity2Go is a free application for both Android and iPhone mobile phones. It allows for online monitoring of the status of the analyses. A free demonstration version is available from the DataApex website.
Clarity Chromatography Software is sold in over 80 countries and is also available for OEM.
941 Eluent Production Module: Inline Eluent Preparation for Ion Chromatography
With the 941 Eluent Production Module, Metrohm integrates Inline Eluent Preparation into the 940 Professional IC Vario and 930 Compact IC Flex ion chromatographs.

It is even possible to integrate the continuous supply of ultrapure water that the system requires. To this end, any standard tap water connection can be linked to an ELGA PURELAB flex5 ultrapure water system, which is then connected to the 941 Eluent Production Module. This means that ion chromatography can be performed using ordinary tap water!
The benefits of Inline Eluent Preparation using the 941 Eluent Production Module include:
• Stable retention times, contamination-free working, and reliable measuring results
• Free choice of eluent, concentration, and composition
• Easy to integrate new and existing applications
• Uninterrupted system operation for up to one month, maintenance-free
• Fully automated Inline Eluent Preparation replaces time-consuming, error-prone, manual working steps in everyday laboratory routine

scTRACE Gold – New Sensor for Straightforward and Reliable Determination of Arsenic in Water
Metrohm is pleased to introduce the scTRACE Gold, a new sensor for the straightforward voltammetric determination of arsenic in water.

The scTRACE Gold is simply plugged in the electrode shaft; as there is no preconditioning required, users can start measuring immediately after. Analysis time per sample is approximately 10 minutes only and detection limit is well below the 10 µg/L stipulated by the latest legislation in the US and the EU.
The scTRACE Gold combines all three of the electrodes needed for the measurement in one sensor. Screen printing makes it very affordable, which means that regular replacements are not a problem. This ensures reliable results at all times. Moreover, the scTRACE Gold does not need any maintenance.
Another benefit of voltammetric measurements with the scTRACE Gold is the ability to discriminate between different oxidation states of arsenic, notably the highly toxic As(III) and the less toxic As(V). The scTRACE Gold can be used with any Metrohm voltammetry measuring stand.

Precision Series Gas Generators for GC Instruments
Peak Scientific has launched the Precision Series, a beautifully designed modular system offering a GC gas supply solution specific to your lab.

The range consists of Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Zero Air generators for both Carrier and Detector gases including MS, FID, ECD and TCD. Whatever the application, we understand that the lab is a unique environment demanding precision, accuracy, reliability and design steeped in functionality. The precision Series will keep your gas flowing with consummate accuracy and reliability whatever your needs.
The Precision Series incorporates a space saving stackable design, allowing individuals to make the most of their lab space. Additionally the modular design allows for different combinations to suit single and multiple GC applications. The Precision series can also accommodate Helium to Hydrogen conversion as natural resources run low and costs rise. It also eliminates the inconvenience of gas cylinders: no more changing over, no more supply issues, no safety worries. As a result the range is extremely low maintenance and provides long term cost stability.
Peak Scientific are a world-renowned hydrogen generator and nitrogen generator manufacturer. Our range of products includes the Genius, Infinity and Precision generators, which are small to large scale nitrogen and hydrogen gas systems for the GC and LCMS markets.

ACE® SuperC18TM - Ultra-inert UHPLC/HPLC Columns with Extended pH Stability
Encapsulated Bonding Technology (EBTTM) dramatically increases the ligand coverage of the silica surface to increase stability and effectively eliminate the negative effects of unbonded silanol groups on UHPLC/HPLC separations.

ACE® SuperC18TM UHPLC/HPLC columns are ultra-inert and offer excellent stability across an extended pH range (pH 1.5 to 11.5), allowing chromatographers to routinely exploit beneficial selectivity changes at low, intermediate and high pH. These columns can be used with both MeOH and MeCN mobile phases and offer rapid column equilibration without memory effects. They are designed for use with LC/MS compatible buffers and offer ultra-low bleed for improved LC/MS compatibility. Analytical columns of 2µm, 3µm and 5µm particle sizes are supplied in dual compatible UHPLC/HPLC Excel hardware and are stable up to 1,000bar/15,000psi. A 10µm particle size is also available.
ACE UltraCore SuperC18 and UltraCore SuperPhenylHexyl are now also available - offering all the proven advantages of ACE UHPLC/HPLC columns in new solid-core (superficially porous) particles.

Advanced Chromatography Technologies Ltd
New ACE® C18-Amide and ACE CN-ES phases for UHPLC and HPLC
Advanced Chromatography Technologies launched new ultra-inert phases with alternative selectivity to provide “Extra Resolving Power” for UHPLC and HPLC method development.

ACE® C18-Amide and CN-ES are new phases that incorporate the latest developments in LC stationary phase design to provide chromatographers with more options for changing selectivity - without compromising stability, robustness or reproducibility. Both new phases complement existing phases, which include the novel ACE C18-AR and ACE C18-PFP chemistries. The unique ligand design of these products incorporates an extended alkyl chain spacer between the silica surface and the functional group, which gives extra phase stability and increased column lifetime. All phases can be used in 100% aqueous mobile phase conditions. Particle sizes of 2, 3, 5 and 10µm are available.
ACE ultra-inert, high performance UHPLC/HPLC columns are available globally through our extensive approved distributor network.

Advanced Chromatography Technologies Ltd