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Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry, Proteomics, Liquid Chromatography

LC-MS in the US

June is a big month in the analytical science calendar, with both the ASMS and HPLC conferences showcasing hundreds of renowned speakers and attracting visitors in their thousands. Whichever you’re attending, you’re sure to find plenty of LC, MS, or LC-MS presentations to get your teeth into. Need help selecting among such stiff competition? Look no further – here are a handful we’ve saved to our schedules.

ASMS 2016

Sunday, June 5
Forensic Mass Spectrometry:
Tell Me Something I Don’t Know
(Glen Jackson and Facundo Fernandez, Hall 1, Level 1, 5.00pm)
See Glen’s article in The Analytical Scientist in our March

Monday, June 6
Forensic Analysis of a Mass Poisoning in Mozambique Associated with a Homebrewed Beverage using LC-HRAM MS and DART-MS
(Sara Kern, Hall 1, 4.10pm)

Tuesday, June 7
On the Application of Electrochemistry-Mass Spectrometry to Study the Biotransformation of UV Blockers in the Environment
(Pedro Segura, Hall 1, 4.10pm)

Wednesday, June 8
Imaging Mass Spectrometry Identifies New Markers in Prostate Cancer Pathology
(Kristina Schwamborn, Stars 4, 9.10am)

Thursday, June 9
High Quality Estimation of False Discovery Rate for Proteoform Identification with Top Down Proteomics (Richard LeDuc, Hemisfair 3, 2.50pm)

The 64th ASMS Conference will be held in the Henry B. González Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas from June 5–9, 2016.  Twitter: #ASMS2016

HPLC 2016

Tuesday, June 21
Fast, Accurate and Unrestricted Mass Spectrum Interpretation: A New Vision of Proteomic Landscapes (Arun Devabhaktuni, Golden Gate Ballroom C, Floor B2 level, 5.25pm)

Wednesday, June 22
Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies and Antibody-Drug Conjugates using LC-MS and 2D-LC-MS (Koen Sandra, Golden Gate Ballroom B, Floor B2 level, 1.55pm)

Thursday, June 23
Novel Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography Strategies for Top-down Proteomics (Ying Ge, Golden Gate Ballroom C, Floor B2 level, 1.55pm)

Friday, June 24
Separation Science and Analytical Chemistry: Past, Present and Future. (Barry Karger, Golden Gate Ballroom, Floor B2 level, 3.15pm)

Also recommended:
Tuesday Free Tutorial: Preparing Your Manuscript and Publishing it from an Editor’s Perspective. (Jonathan Sweedler, Yerba Buena Ballroom, Salons 5/6, Floor Lower B2 level, 1.30 – 3.00pm)

The 44th HPLC conference will be held at the Marriott San Francisco Marquis, San Francisco, California from June 19–24, 2016., Twitter: #HPLC2016 @HPLC2016

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About the Author
Joanna Cummings

A former library manager and storyteller, I have wanted to write for magazines since I was six years old, when I used to make my own out of foolscap paper and sellotape and distribute them to my family. Since getting my MSc in Publishing, I’ve worked as a freelance writer and content creator for both digital and print, writing on subjects such as fashion, food, tourism, photography – and the history of Roman toilets.

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