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10/02/2015 | Contributed by Eppendorf
Nucleic acid purification is a major application in a molecular laboratory. Purity and homogeneity of the sample are important considerations for subsequent applications.
A new micro-volume system for highly precise photometric determination of nucleic acids or proteins in the Eppendorf BioPhotometer® and Eppendorf BioSpectrometer®.
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a powerful organic solvent that can dissolve most organic substances to high loading levels, including carbohydrates, polymers and peptides. Therefore, DMSO is widely used for compound dissolution in pharmaceutical and research laboratories.
Challenging demands are placed on consumables used in automated applications, especially when focusing on avoiding sample loss or providing reproducible experimental conditions.
A high throughput process for the preparation and testing of samples for their surface tension using the epMotion 5075 Liquid handling platform and Kibron delta-8 tensiometer has been successfully developed and implemented at the Centre for Materials Discovery.
With the advent of the human genome era the molecular biology laboratory has once and for all changed from a small scale observatory into a semi-industrial, highly parallel environment with large numbers of samples and terabytes of processed data.
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