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May 2015 Issue of The Analytical Scientist

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Articles featured in this issue

Techniques & Tools Proteomics

I’ve Got the Power

| Rich Whitworth

Actually, I don’t have the power. But you do, as we launch the 2015 Power List to celebrate the Top 100 most influential analytical scientists.

Fields & Applications Forensics

Forensic Science Under Fire

| Jose Almirall

Hair analysis has been spectacularly debunked as “pseudoscience” – what now?

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Single-Molecule Mass Spec with Inertial Imaging

| Stephanie Vine

Conventional mass spectrometry can only measure the mass of a molecule – what if you could image the same molecule simultaneously?

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Unusual Analysis of the Month

| Stephanie Vine

Sons and daughters; love and lemur scent

Techniques & Tools Pharma & Biopharma

PREP Preview

| Rich Whitworth

Two advances in (bio)pharmaceutical manufacture that aim to democratize the gift of medicine

Techniques & Tools Polymers

Rewarding Industry

| Martin Gilar

The Uwe D. Neue award recognizes the impact that breakthrough work by industrial scientists has on analytical science. 2015’s recipient is Mark Schure – and here’s why.

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

A Rewarding Life

| Mark Schure

This year, I feel proud and humbled to have received two special accolades – the Dal Nogare Award and the Uwe D. Neue Award. After many years in both industry and academia, it’s extremely gratifying to be recognized. Here’s how I got where I am today.

Techniques & Tools Environmental

Zeroing in on Zero Gases

| Stephen Harrison, Peter Adam

How can a metrology project to measure zero help in the goal of cleaner air?

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Pioneering Proteomics

| John Yates

My love of biology, mass spectrometry and computer programming has led me down an uncommonly rewarding path of discovery and innovation. Here, I share some of my story and look towards the horizon of my exciting and ever-changing field.

Techniques & Tools Genomics & DNA Analysis

Gurus of Single Molecule Detection

| David Duffy, Ulf Landegren, Antoine van Oijen, and Menno Prins

David Duffy, Ulf Landegren, Antoine van Oijen, and Menno Prins crash through the concentration barrier and investigate the ultimate limit of analytical sensitivity.

Techniques & Tools Technology

To Teach... Perchance to Learn

| Lee DesRosiers

I find myself attempting a graceful “glissando” into greying semi-retirement. And what better way (other than Volvo-driving) to add gravitas and prestige than by teaching?

Fields & Applications Spectroscopy

Bright Spark

| Rich Whitworth

Sitting Down With... Richard Pollard, President of Ocean Optics, Dunedin, Florida, USA.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Pulling the Trigger on Complex Problems

| Katerina Mastovska

As associate scientific director of Nutritional Chemistry and Food Safety at Covance Laboratories, Katerina Mastovska must tackle the most challenging analytical questions. And she loves every second.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Cutting-Edge Metabolomics

| Karl Burgess

As new technology platforms push us to the limits of what’s possible, the metabolomics community is closing in on the future of the field: routine and rapid quantitative analysis.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Detecting agglomerates within pharmaceutical formulations

Particle agglomeration can compromise the clinical efficacy of pharmaceutical products and must therefore be closely controlled. Automated particle image analysis provides one technology which can aid agglomerate detection. This article provides practical guidance on how imaging can be applied as a routine method to robustly identify and quantify the state of agglomeration of pharmaceutical formulations.

Other issues of 2015