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September 2014 Issue of The Analytical Scientist

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Articles featured in this issue

Techniques & Tools Technology

Celebrating Analytical Science

| Rich Whitworth

We started The Analytical Scientist with a bold, three-word mission: recording, scrutinizing, celebrating.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Shocking MS Discovery

| Rich Whitworth

The spine-tingling story behind megavolt electrostatic ionization mass spectrometry

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

NMR Seeds of the Future

| Rich Whitworth

Miniature chips aim to deliver portable – or massively parallel – nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy

Techniques & Tools Technology

TASIAs Strike Back!

| Stephanie Vine

The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards (TASIAs) return for 2014 to showcase new technologies, instruments and software solutions that are out of this world

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Personalizing Allergen Diagnostics

| Stephanie Vine

IACE-MALDI-MS takes allergy testing to the next level by identifying the milk proteins that cause the reaction

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Queen’s Medal for Mass Spec

| Stephanie Vine

An Imperial College London professor has been awarded the Royal Medal for his work in biomolecular mass spectrometry

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

Sample Prep Sorcery

| André de Villiers

Having attended Pat Sandra’s lecture at Riva 2014 and read The Analytical Scientist’s feature on sample preparation, I can certainly say that Pat has succeeded in igniting discussion on the topic. Here’s my silver Sickle’s worth.

Techniques & Tools Data Analysis

Shrinking Ion-selective Sensors for Success

| Eric Bakker, Xiaojiang Xie

Conventional bulk ion-selective sensors have been extensively studied and are well understood. Now, they must be miniaturized for cutting-edge applications, allowing us to blur the line between sensing and bulk solution chemistry.

Techniques & Tools Data Analysis

Emphasis on Science

| Ulrich Panne

It is clear that analytical science is interdisciplinary, but what exists at its heart –and how do we instill that in students?

Techniques & Tools Data Analysis

Chemometric Magic

| Ewa Szymańska

More than a year has passed since I expressed my hopes for chemometrics to take center stage in this magazine. Where are we now?

Techniques & Tools Sample Preparation

The Weakest Link

| Henk van 't Klooster

The chemical analysis chain is only strong if the quality system takes into account each and every link – including those that can sometimes be neglected or forgotten.

Fields & Applications Food, Beverage & Agriculture

Gurus of Pesticide Residue Analysis

| Finbarr O’Regan , Lutz Alder, André de Kok, Sergio Nanita

Many of the world’s leading experts came together for the 10th European Pesticide Residue Workshop (EPRW) in Dublin, Ireland, this summer for an international exchange of information and experience.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Lean Innovation

| Joeri Vercammen

Swamped by information and demands for increased productivity, it can be difficult to organize our time – and minds – to facilitate “Eureka!” moments.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

The Analytical Witness

| Henry Nowicki

Think you’ve got what it takes to be an expert witness? Certainly, scientific expertise is of great importance – but there’s a lot of work ahead.

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Measuring in a Material World

| Ulrich Panne

Sitting Down With… Ulrich Panne, President of BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, and Professor at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.

Fields & Applications Food, Beverage & Agriculture

Detection of Organochlorine Pesticides Using Gas Chromatography with an Electron Capture Detector

| Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

A Study Following U.S. EPA Method 8081 Guidelines

Fields & Applications Pharma & Biopharma

Fast Analysis of IgG Charge Heterogeneity by Ion Exchange Chromatography

| Sponsored by Tosoh

Evaluation of strong and weak cation exchange columns and dependence of separation on mobile phase pH

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Extraction of Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin from Dried Chili Using ISOLUTE® Myco Prior to LC-MS/MS Analysis

| Sponsored by Biotage

This application note describes a solid phase extraction (SPE) protocol for the extraction of a range of mycotoxins from dried chili (pimiento) using ISOLUTE® Myco with LC-MS/MS analysis.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Characterization of Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) using multi-detector size-exclusion chromatography

Whey is a by-product of the cheese-making process, and Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) is a dietary supplement and food ingredient created by separating components from milk. It contains a high percentage of pure protein and can be pure enough to be virtually lactose free, carbohydrate free, fat free, and cholesterol free. In this application note, a sample of WPI was characterized using the Viscotek TDAmax. The 4 main components in this mixture were separated and individually characterized.

Fields & Applications Sample Preparation

Applications of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry in biopharmaceutical

This application note presents an example of how calorimetry aided the formulation development for ProX by providing insight into excipient-protein interactions. Polysorbate-80 and phenol are examined here as potential additives to the formulation buffer for ProX.

Fields & Applications Technology

Characterization of hydrodynamic changes upon cation-binding to proteins

Work performed in conjunction with the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France Cations are specifically recognized by numerous proteins. Despite their small size, their specific interactions with highly charged residues allow them to induce significant conformational changes on their binding proteins.

Other issues of 2014