Simpler, Faster and More Reproducible Protein Digestion
Sample preparation challenges in the modern biopharmaceutical laboratory
sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Sample preparation – a critical first step for protein characterization and quantitation
The science of SMART
A SMARTer way for simpler and faster digestion
A SMARTer way for higher reproducibility
A SMARTer way for greater sensitivity
SMARTer results Application focus 1
Dramatic effects of buffers and additives on efficiency of tryptic digestion Application
focus 2
Optimization of SMART Digest buffers for enhanced protein solubilization Application focus 3
The SMART Digest kit mediates major improvements in sensitivity–“even for difficult proteins” Application focus 4
The SMART Digest kit mediates enhanced reproducibility of data Application focus 5
The SMART Digest kit mediates enhanced reproducibility of data – part II SOLAμ - faster, Simpler, more reproducible and sensitive SPE clean-up
SOLAμ - a new approach to micro elution
SOLAμ - increased sensitivity