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App Notes

Results 1121–1130 of 1416

Spark Spectral Sensor Offers Advantages

| Contributed by Ocean Optics

In this whitepaper, we explore how the Spark spectral sensor bridges the gap between filter-based devices such as RGB color sensors and CCD-array instruments such as miniature spectrometers. The ultra-compact Spark provides full spectral analysis from 380-700 nm.

Sorting Out Gluten Intolerance

| Contributed by Ocean Optics

Gluten – a substance found in grains – is an allergen for some people. When processing gluten-free and other grains, cross contamination is a risk. This article describes how NIR spectroscopy combines with machine vision for accurate sorting of glutenous grains.

Near Infrared Spectroscopy is Useful Tool in Photovoltaics Panel Development

| Contributed by Ocean Optics

Suppliers of photovoltaic panels for the solar industry continually evaluate and analyze panel materials, seeking ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs. In this application note, NIR reflectivity of coated glass samples reveals areas of light loss and other characteristics.

Measurement of Filters used in Night Vision Applications

| Contributed by Ocean Optics

To extend our vision in low light, night vision goggles use image intensifiers and optics to amplify NIR wavelengths. As this application note demonstrates, measuring transmission filters used in night vision devices benefits from the use of a high-sensitivity spectrometer.

In Search of Counterfeit Olive Oil Using the Spark Spectral Sensor

| Contributed by Ocean Optics

Olive oil production is a multibillion industry, with food-grade varieties subject to regulation regarding their origin and quality. In this application note, the Ocean Optics Spark spectral sensor identifies potentially damaging adulterants and dilutions in olive oil samples.

Forced Degradation of Cefaclor Analysis using Kinetex® EVO C18 Core-Shell LC Column

| Contributed by Phenomenex

Cefaclor is a broad-spectrum antibiotic used to treat a wide-range of bacterial infections including lung, ear, throat, skin, and urinary tract infections.

Doxylamine Impurity Profile Using a Kinetex® EVO C18 Core-Shell LC Column

| Contributed by Phenomenex

The manufacturing of a pharmaceutical product results in the accumulation of impurities from a variety of sources.

Digested Phosphorylase b Peptide Map using Kinetex® EVO C18 Core-Shell LC Column

| Contributed by Phenomenex

Peptide mapping is a common technique used to characterize proteins by analyzing the elution pattern of peptide fragments.

Cold Medicine API Screen Using a Kinetex® EVO C18 Core-Shell LC Column

| Contributed by Phenomenex

The current range of compounds aimed at the treatment of the common cold is quite large and comprises ingredients of a variety of chemical characteristics.

Banned Carcinogenic Aromatic Amines by LC/UV Using Kinetex EVO C18 Core-Shell Column

| Contributed by Phenomenex

Aromatic amines have numerous manufacturing applications including the production of dyes, polymers, surfactants, drugs and pesticides.

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