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App Notes

Results 1201–1210 of 1416

Fast Analysis of IgG Charge Heterogeneity by Ion Exchange Chromatography

| Contributed by Tosoh

Evaluation of strong and weak cation exchange columns and dependance of seperation on mobile phase ph

mAb aggregate detection – Analytical HIC as an Orthogonal Chromatographic Approach

| Contributed by Tosoh

During the last decades, mAbs have proofed to be a very valuable medication for severe illnesses like auto immune diseases and cancer.

High speed and resolution SEC analysis of mAbs

| Contributed by Tosoh

Antibody therapeutics are enjoying high growth rates in the biopharmaceutical market, the major areas of therapeutic application being cancer and immune/inflammation-related disorders including arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

Efficient SEC-UV-RI-MALS Analysis of Protein Aggregates

| Contributed by Tosoh

Static light scattering in combination with size exclusion chromatography is a valuable tool for verifying purity of Monoclonal Antibodies (MABS) as such or as a quick check while the downstream processing takes place.

Characterisation Studies of PEGylated Lysozyme

| Contributed by Tosoh

PEGylation, the process by which polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains are attached to protein and peptide drugs is a common practice in the development of biopharmaceuticals to prolong serum half-life and improve pharmacokinetics of a drug.

Glycosylation analysis by hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC)

| Contributed by Tosoh

Glycosylation is one of the most common forms of post-translational modification of eukaryotic proteins. Glycosylated proteins (glycoproteins) make up the majority of human proteins.

Detection of Organochlorine Pesticides by GC-ECD Following U.S. EPA Method 8081

| Contributed by Thermo Fisher Scientific

This application note describes sensitive detection of organochlorine pesticides, such as DDT and lindane, based on the guidelines for U.S. EPA method 8081, using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with an electron capture detector (ECD).

Determination of Pesticides in Drinking Water via LC‐MS/MS Using Polymeric Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges

| Contributed by Gilson

This application studied a wide range of residues in drinking water using two different SPE polymeric cartridges. Drinking water safety is of primary concern in reducing the harmful impact of residues, such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and pharmaceuticals on both the human and animal populations.

Biomonitoring of Phthalate Metabolites in Human Urine using ISOLUTE® ENV+ Columns Prior to LC-MS/MS

| Contributed by Biotage

This application note describes the extraction of nine phthalate metabolites from human urine using ISOLUTE ENV+ solid phase extraction columns. This method demonstrates repeatability, quantitative analyte recovery and minimal matrix suppression for the nine phthalate metabolites tested in urine.

Automated SW solution for preparative HPLC:

| Contributed by DataApex

Application examples of Clarity software for analytical and small scale preparative separation using multivendor analytical and preparative HPLC components.

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