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YMC offers a wide range of chromatography products, including micro- and nanoscale capillary columns, (U)HPLC columns, bulk media for preparative chromatography, glass columns for MPLC and DAC-columns.

Innovative (U)HPLC YMC-Triart columns with broad temperature and pH stability for the best choice in method development! – the first hybrid bulk material available in multi-ton quantities!

Polysaccharide chiral HPLC columns, both coated and immobilised types, are available for a wide range of applications: NP, RP and SFC - all at very attractive prices. YMC CHIRAL ART is available in 3 µm and 5 µm analytical and preparative HPLC columns and as preparative bulk media with 10 µm or 20 µm.

YMC Europe GmbH
Schöttmannshof 19
46539 Dinslaken
Phone: +49 (0) 2064 427-0
Mail: [email protected]

Company website

Content by YMC:

Fields & Applications Data Analysis

Boosting Bioanalysis

| Sponsored by YMC

Novel column technologies from YMC make use of alternative analytical conditions to enable faster and more sensitive analysis of biological materials.

High recoveries from IEX analysis of mAbs with the first injection – no preconditioning required!

| Contributed by YMC

The bioinert coated YMC Accura BioPro IEX SF column is the ideal choice for a reliable and reproducible mAb analysis.

Comprehensive high resolution targeted LC-MS/MS analysis of signalling lipids

| Contributed by YMC

Bioinert YMC Accura Triart C18 column offers high sensitivity and resolution for LC-MS/MS of 388 signalling lipids, optimized in this study.

Reproducible oligonucleotide IEX analyses from the very first injection!

| Contributed by YMC

Oligonucleotides can be used to modulate gene expression, which provides a huge potential in treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Separation of plasmid isoforms using BioPro HIC BF

| Contributed by YMC

Three plasmid DNA isoforms in linear, open circular and supercoiled conformation are separated by HIC using YMC’s BioPro HIC BF column.

Non-targeted profiling of polar metabolites in human plasma

| Contributed by YMC

The bioinert YMC Accura Triart Diol-HILIC column is used for NTS of polar metabolites in human plasma

High Sensitivity allergen detection in wine samples

| Contributed by YMC

High sensitivity detection of egg and milk peptides in wine samples using a YMC-Triart C18 MicroLC column.

Charge heterogeneity characterisation of an IgG4-based mAb using AEX coupled to MS

| Contributed by YMC

Cation exchange chromatography (CEX) is very well suited for characterising the charge heterogeneity of biomolecules.

Getting a complex carotenoid mixture separated

| Contributed by YMC

An optimised separation of up to 48 carotenoids was successfully realised using a YMC-Carotenoid column.

Native AEX-MS analysis of IgG4-based mAbs

| Contributed by YMC

This note describes how the charge heterogeneity of IgG4-based mAbs with a pI between 6.1 to 7.3 (proprietary mAbs) can be successfully evaluated.

How chelating agents can easily be analysed using truly inert column hardware!

| Contributed by YMC

Analysis of 8-hydroxyquinoline and hinokitiol using a bioinert coated YMC-Accura Triart C18 column.

For highest accuracy: New bioinert (U)HPLC YMC-Accura Triart columns

| Contributed by YMC

YMC-Accura Triart columns provide exceptional peak shapes with high sensitivities for e.g., oligonucleotides or peptides/proteins.

Product Release: All New YMC-Triart Bio C18!

| Contributed by YMC

YMC-Triart Bio C18 offers 300 Å pore size and is designed for peptides, proteins, and oligonucleotides.

All New YMC Classics eCatalogue

| Contributed by YMC

The all new YMC Classics eCatalogue is available now for download.

Reliable and Robust IEX Columns by YMC

| Contributed by YMC

BioPro IEX columns are based on porous or non-porous hydrophilic polymer beads with low nonspecific adsorption.

YMC-Triart Columns for SFC

| Contributed by YMC

The highly robust YMC-Triart columns are the ideal choice for SFC!

NEW SEC Columns for Antibodies by YMC

| Contributed by YMC

New and Unique Immobilised Chiral Polysaccharide Phase by YMC!

| Contributed by YMC

YMC UHPLC Size Exclusion Columns!

| Contributed by YMC

Immobilised and Coated CHIRAL ART Polysaccharide LC &SFC Columns by YMC

| Contributed by YMC

Coated and Immobilised CHIRAL ART Polysaccharide Derivatives Series by YMC

| Contributed by YMC

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