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Results 41–50 of 1417

A Method for PFAS Analysis in Drinking and Nonpotable Waters Using the Agilent 6495 LC/MS System

| Contributed by Agilent Technologies

Direct aqueous injection method for the determination of 47 PFAS in water

Direct Injection Analysis of Organofluorine Compounds (PFAS) by Triple-Quadrupole LC/MS/MS

| Contributed by Shimadzu

In this news, PFOA, PFOS, and PFAS including related substances were analyzed by triplequadrupole LC/MS/MS without the concentration procedure.

ASTM D8421-22 Standard Test Method for Determination of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Aqueous Matrices by Co-solvation Followed by Analysis Using the Shimadzu LCMS-8060NX

| Contributed by Shimadzu

Trace PFAS quantitation in drinking water using LC/Q-TOF mass spectrometry

| Contributed by Agilent Technologies

According to EPA Method 533 using an Agilent 6546 LC/Q-TOF

EPA Draft Method 1621 for Adsorbable Organic Fluorine using Metrohm’s ProfilerF Analyzer for AOF

| Contributed by Metrohm

Effective sample preparation and the suitability of Metrohm’ s ProfilerF Analyzer for AOF for use with EPA Draft Method 1621 is demonstrated herein.

Analysis of Microplastics Using AIRsight Infrared/Raman Microscope

| Contributed by Shimadzu

This article introduces an example of evaluating microplastics in the environment using AIRsight.

PFAS Survey 2023: Infographic

| Contributed by Agilent Technologies

We recently asked our readers for their thoughts on the challenges involved in PFAS analysis

Analysis of Organic Acids in Beer by Nexera Organic Acid Analysis System

| Contributed by Shimadzu

Sensitive and precise analysis of organic acids in beer

e-Book: The Complete Plasma Proteomics Solution

| Contributed by Bruker

This ebook from Bruker presents a comprehensive solution to help researchers master each step and overcome challenges in plasma proteomics research.

Native AEX-MS analysis of IgG4-based mAbs

| Contributed by YMC

This note describes how the charge heterogeneity of IgG4-based mAbs with a pI between 6.1 to 7.3 (proprietary mAbs) can be successfully evaluated.

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