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App Notes

Results 691–700 of 1416

Summarization of Screening Hits

| Contributed by Regis

The determination of enantiomeric purity is crucial in new drug development.

Quantitative determination of volatile organic pollutants in water using headspace–trap GC–MS

| Contributed by Markes International Ltd

Headspace samples acquired on the Centri automated sample preparation and concentration platform were used to quantify a wide range of volatile organic pollutants in water.

Highly Sensitive Determination of Contaminants in Surface Water in the Context of the EU Water Framework Directive using Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) and GC-MS/MS

| Contributed by Gerstel

In the work presented here, highly sensitive determination of around 100 contaminants in surface water in the concentration range from low doubledigit to low triple-digit pg/L was performed.

UHP-SEC Analysis of Biosimilars Using Size Exclusion Chromatography

| Contributed by Tosoh

The amounts of high and low molecular weight impurities are critical quality attributes for a therapeutic protein.

Analysis of Aroma Compounds in Edible Oils by Direct Thermal Desorption GC/MS using Slitted Microvials

| Contributed by Gerstel

This application note describes the direct thermal desorption of desirable and undesirable aroma compounds from edible oils.

Analysis of Catecholamines in Urine and Plasma

| Contributed by Antec Scientific

In Part I of this application note the analysis of chatecolamines in urine is described, and in Part II the analysis in plasma.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Working with Purified Water

Water is probably the most commonly used reagent in every laboratory.

Separation of cannabinoids

| Contributed by Kromasil

The industry of cannabis based products needs reliable and reproducible analytical methods, including for patient safety and labelling ingredient consistency.

A Single Cannabis LC/MS/MS Method to Meet California Pesticide and Mycotoxin Residues Regulatory Requirements

| Contributed by Perkin Elmer

This application note is no longer available

Fluorodeoxyglucose Radiotracer Analysis

In this application note typical results obtained with the ALEXYS analyzer are reported demonstrating its suitability for the analysis of FDG in compliance with EP and USP methods.

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