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September 2018 Issue of The Analytical Scientist

Welcome to our September issue! In Upfront, we open this year’s Innovation Awards, track ancient parrot breeding colonies, and find a faster diagnosis for liver disease. In our cover feature, a mass spec specialist, a biomedical researcher and a multidisciplinary team give us the lowdown on lipidomics, while Albert Robbat serves up some tea analysis. We also look at pixel-based chemical analysis, visit part three of our “innovation in teaching” series, and go from chemistry to kitchen in our interview with Giovanni Dugo.

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Articles featured in this issue

Techniques & Tools Clinical

Poetic Perspective

In modern science, new instrumentation opens up new worlds and allows us to explore the world around us

Fields & Applications Genomics & DNA Analysis

The Early Bird

| Joanna Cummings

Who’s a pretty (ancient) boy then? Tracking the breeding grounds of the macaw parrot

Fields & Applications Sensors

Faster Fibrosis Diagnosis

| William Aryitey

A method for the rapid detection of serum biomarkers in liver disease

Techniques & Tools Environmental

There’s Something in the Water

| Joanna Cummings

Drug emissions in UK rivers raise questions about long-term consequences for the environment

Business & Education Professional Development

UK-Wide Web

| Joanna Cummings

A new project, CAMS-UK, aims to boost the profile of UK measurement science

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Sequencing, Spectroscopy, and Standardization

| Joanna Cummings

Business in brief: What’s going on in analytical science?

Techniques & Tools Technology

The Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards 2018

| Charlotte Barker

Nominate now for the 2018 TASIAs!

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Image of the Month

| Joanna Cummings

What makes “killer” bees so aggressive?

Techniques & Tools Environmental

A Closer Look at the Bigger Picture

| Guilherme L. Alexandrino, Josephine Lübeck and Jan. H. Christensen

How a pixel-based approach can define the unique chemical fingerprint of a complex environmental sample

Techniques & Tools Clinical

Coming Soon: Third-Wave Diagnostics

| Jason Heikenfeld

The need for continuous and contextual biochemical data is clearer than ever – and enabling technology may be just around the corner

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Life in The Fat Lane

A mass spec expert, a biomedical researcher and an interdisciplinary team give us the lipidomics lowdown

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

A Picture of Health?

Lipids are a crucial and complex component of the ‘omics’ puzzle

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Singapore’s “SLING”

The four members of SLING discuss the growing importance and impact of lipidomics

Fields & Applications Data Analysis

Lipidomic Harmony?

| Kim Ekroos

What are the aims of The Lipidomics Standards Initiative, and what will it bring to the table?

Techniques & Tools Food, Beverage & Agriculture

All The Tea in China

Unraveling the impact of climate changes on the complex chemistry of an ancient crop

Business & Education Technology

Those Who Can, Teach: Janina Kneipp and Katharina Schultens

SALSA: a multidisciplinary program combining analytical sciences with data analysis, statistics, risk assessment, and science communication.

Fields & Applications Gas Chromatography

La Dolce Vita

We Sit Down With Giovanni Dugo, Professor Emeritus, University of Messina, Sicily, Italy.

Techniques & Tools Business

Intelligent Innovation

| Sponsored by Knauer

Christian Benkhäuser, Head of Hardware Development AT KNAUER, explains the company’s approach to innovation

Techniques & Tools Proteomics

Perfecting Proteomic Separations

| Sponsored by Pharma Fluidics

Kris Gevaert and Francis Impens, from Ghent University and the VIB Proteomics Core, tell us how PharmaFluidics’ μPAC can expedite routine analysis

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

Your Efficiency Challenge – Part II

| Sponsored by Agilent Technologies

Here, we present select results from the “Efficiency Challenge” survey ¬ and consult our efficiency experts

Techniques & Tools Pharma & Biopharma

Toward Better Biotherapeutics

| Alexandre Goyon

The evolution of UHPLC, and how to streamline separations for complex biotherapeutics

Other issues of 2018