Luigi Mondello
The Power List 2017

Luigi Mondello
Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Messina, Italy.
From a young age, I was strongly drawn to chemistry and physics, and relished tackling challenges and practical problems. Today I am the same guy, and the same passion is my driving force.
Most exciting current project
Research in my lab is mainly focused on the use of multidimensional and MS-hyphenated chromatography, prototype instrumentation and dedicated software. One of the most recent advances is the construction of a nano-LC system coupled to EI-MS detection, extending the advantages of GC-MS to typical LC-amenable compounds. It combines the benefits of miniaturized analytical instruments with the unique features of EI-MS spectra for molecule fingerprinting.
Hero of separation science
The person whose talent and willingness have most inspired me is Pat Sandra. Since the beginning of my scientific career, I have always looked up to his stellar achievements in the field of separation science, and regarded him as an idol – his work represents the most a scientist could hope for.
Nominator comment: "A pioneer in the field of multidimensional chromatography.”