Anna Laura Capriotti
The Power List 2018

Anna Laura Capriotti
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University La Sapienza, Roma, Italy.
We develop new analytical methods and tools, based on liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry, for the characterization of proteins and peptides important in life sciences and food analysis.
Greatest achievement
Receiving the EuChemS Lecture Award 2017 really boosted my visibility, which makes this job all the more enjoyable.
Scientific heroes
Aldo Laganà gave me a chance to work in his research group, and taught me to rely on dedication, self-sacrifice and collaboration to reach my goals. No one can become a great scientist without a great research group!
Never stop believing in your dreams and stay focused on your objective.
Nominator comment:“She is a brilliant young scientist full of energy, enthusiasm and curiosity.”