Anneli Kruve
The Power List 2018

Anneli Kruve
Humboldt Fellow, Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
Early inspiration
I got started in organic synthesis but quickly joined a biomedical lab that needed students to operate a HPLC. From there, moving to LC/MS was a natural step. The ability to incorporate various skills from IT to synthesis with mass spectrometry-based research has kept me motivated to stay on this path.
My field is structural and quantitative characterization of compounds with LC/ESI/IMS/MS. A key focus of mine is developing the possibility of giving a quantitative context to non-target LC/HRMS data without the need for standard substances.
Greatest achievement
I have already seen many students moving from our lab to the workforce and receiving positive feedback from their employers – that definitely makes a former supervisor happy!
Mass spectrometry has already changed almost everything; its impact will increase further, as we make non-target screening more efficient with effective algorithms, and make it quantitative. I also have a dream technique: I sometimes wonder what the world would look like with MS-(gas phase) NMR…