Danilo Sciarrone
The Power List 2018

Danilo Sciarrone
Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry, CHIBIOFARAM Department, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.
Early inspiration
Since my student days I have been fascinated by mass spectrometry and chromatography, in particular by the multidimensional techniques that went on to become the focus of my career.
The development of multidimensional chromatographic techniques coupled to the most innovative MS analyzers (QqQ, HRToF, IRMS) and the use of hyphenated LC and GC approaches for preparative purposes (LC-MDGC-prep). The aim is to collect highly pure components for structure elucidation and biological tests.
Greatest achievement
At the 2012 International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography (ISCC), I was presented with the Leslie Ettre Award, given to a scientist aged 35 or below for the most interesting original research in capillary gas chromatography in environmental and food safety.
Scientific heroes
I owe much to my mentor Luigi Mondello and key figures in the field like Pat Sandra, who inspired me and showed me how to face the challenges of research.