Rawi Ramautar
The Power List 2018

Rawi Ramautar
Assistant Professor, Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Early inspiration
Trying to understand the molecular mechanisms of diseases is intriguing, and the use of reliable separation techniques is key for this purpose. Therefore, I decided to follow a career in the development of analytical techniques in metabolomics.
Greatest achievement
Enabling a deeper understanding of biological processes in sample-limited cases will constitute a real breakthrough in metabolomics. Therefore, I am happy that the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research has recently chosen to fund this ambition of mine with highly competitive personal research grants, allowing me to set up my own research group.
I hope that the analytical technologies and workflows designed in my group for volume-restricted biomedical questions will be adopted in a clinical setting and used by medical practitioners for the prediction and/or diagnosis of diseases.
It is important to be a good team player, as research is a multi-disciplinary effort. Moreover, try to work with colleagues who are energetic and passionate about their research, and whose company you enjoy, as they will keep you motivated. Strive for the right work–life balance – family and friends matter!