Zachary S. Breitbach
The Power List 2018

Zachary S. Breitbach
Senior Scientist, Analytical Research and Development, AbbVie Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Early inspiration
I was always interested in figuring out how things work and how to make them better. Analytical science is one of the few professions that gives you the advanced tools to really understand complex problems.
Greatest achievement
The launch of AZYP, along with the development and commercialization of superficially porous particle-based chiral stationary phases. It is exciting to be in an industrial setting now, where these columns have transformed chiral separations.
Scientific heroes
I worked with my graduate advisor, Daniel Armstrong, for over 10 years and he is one of the most intelligent researchers in analytical chemistry, as well as an extremely effective teacher.
Work hard: put in the extra time and be persistent, it will pay off. Work fair: collaborate and recognize colleagues, you can’t do it all alone. Have fun: enjoy what you are doing.
Nominator comment: “Breitbach is the young star of separation science. Among his numerous awards is the 2018 ACS Young Investigator Award in Separation Science.”