Jack Kirkland
Vice-President, Research and Development, Advanced Materials Technology (AMT), Delaware, USA
Jack Kirkland

Vice-President, Research and Development, Advanced Materials Technology (AMT), Delaware, USA
Highlight: “Since 1966, I have had an interest in the unique properties of superficially porous particles for HPLC columns. The strongly positive scientific and commercial response to the introduction of unique sub-3 µm Halo fused-core (core-shell) particles by AMT in 2006 has been quite satisfying as it verified my continued interest in this technology.”
Main motivation: “I have always been interested in solving problems and developing new technology. The intellectual challenge of this has been stimulating. Some positive scientific results have been sufficiently gratifying so as to lead to additional efforts on projects for new technology that would assist scientists.”
Future aspiration: “My intention is to continue to develop new technology largely in separation science. Of particular interest are better approaches for analytical separations in the biosciences. This difficult area presents unique challenges, but technology gains would have an important impact on health and environmental issues.”
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