Deirdre Cabooter
The Power List 2016

Deirdre Cabooter
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Passion: Trying to unravel the mechanisms behind mass transfer in liquid chromatography by developing novel procedures. Developing new hardware and software solutions for specific applications in different fields of analysis (pharmaceutical, food, environmental, bio-analysis).
Pivotal moment: I am very lucky to have been surrounded by some amazing people, such as Gert Desmet, Pat Sandra, Frederic Lynen (and many more), from an early stage. They have always supported me, believed in me and stimulated me. Their support has had a large influence on the research direction I have taken. More specifically, being given the opportunity to start up my own research group at the University of Leuven has given me the confidence to pursue my own research ideas. In this respect, I’m very grateful for the support and trust I have received from my colleagues in the department.
Prediction: The increasing number of complex samples that are emerging in different fields of research, such as environmental monitoring, biomarker research and drug design is going to drive the development of new column packing structures and packing arrangements to boost the performance of our columns. I also foresee innovative approaches to combine existing separation techniques to expand the capabilities of chromatography as we know it.