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68 search results for ‘*’

Fields & Applications Clinical

The Backbone of Diagnostics

| Luisa Torsi | 3 min read

Why analytical chemistry, multidisciplinary collaboration, and biosensing technology are all crucial for advanced research

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

The 2024 Special Series GC-MS E-book

A selection of all the best GC-MS content in one place

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

From DBS to “Doo Dots”

| Jessica Allerton | 7 min read

How repurposed dried blood spot technology could improve access to gastrointestinal disease diagnostics

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Imaging Mass Spectrometry: What’s Now? What’s Next?

| Boone M. Prentice | 12 min read

Imaging mass spectrometry could help open the door to more systems biology-based explorations of health and disease

Fields & Applications Genomics & DNA Analysis

Into the Multi-ome

| Mark van Oene | 5 min read

What simultaneously sequencing four ‘omes could mean for the future of personalized healthcare

Fields & Applications Clinical

The Exhaled Microbiome Profile

| Tina Chou | 7 min read

How volatile compounds in breath can be used to diagnose disease, develop personalized therapies, and combat antibiotic resistance

Fields & Applications Metabolomics & Lipidomics

Metabolomics Originals – With Gary Siuzdak

| Gary Siuzdak | 5 min read

How Gary Siuzdak’s team at Scripps works closely with biologists to design and analyze experiments that answer fundamental questions about metabolism

Fields & Applications Translational Science

Mia Huang: Pioneering Chemical Glycobiology

| Mia Huang | 5 min read

As Scripps turns 100, Mia Huang is hunting for unique cancer protein glycoforms using mass spectrometry

Fields & Applications Pharma & Biopharma

Chemical Proteomics: Realizing Therapeutic Potential

| Chris Parker | 6 min read

How Chris Parker’s work in photoaffinity-based chemical proteomics is leading to the development of potential new therapies

Fields & Applications Cannabis Testing

Three Gurus of Cannabis Analysis

| Jessica Allerton | 10 min read

Unethical behavior and complex and diverse regulations, – just two of the challenges in cannabis analysis, according to three industry insiders

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