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57 search results for ‘sfc’

Fields & Applications Forensics

Analyzing the Underworld: A Legal High

| Martin Schmid

How a respectable chiral separation scientist got sucked into the weird, wonderful, and unpredictable field of novel psychoactive substances.

Techniques & Tools Liquid Chromatography

The Coming of Age of 2D-LC

| Peter Schoenmakers, Bob Pirok, Koen Sandra, André de Villiers

Multidimensional LC is stepping into the spotlight - but how will it fare? Four experts share their verdicts.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Spicing Up Mass Spectrometry

Download our free supplement to uncover the latest advances and applications in mass spectrometry.

Techniques & Tools Mass Spectrometry

Unraveling the Cannabinome

| Scott Kuzdzal and William Lipps

Legalized cannabis is an exploding market that offers exciting opportunities – and challenges – for analytical scientists.

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Pittcon and All That Jazz

| Joanna Cummings

Pittcon covers all analytical bases. Here, we present our top picks for Chicago 2017

Techniques & Tools Spectroscopy

Three Gurus of Spectroscopy

| Gary Hieftje, Peter Griffiths, Volker Deckert

What has driven spectroscopic techniques into their current prominent position in a plethora of application areas?

Fields & Applications Mass Spectrometry

Omega-3 Odyssey

| Giuseppe Astarita

Are the health claims for these compounds warranted and, if so, can their measurement be streamlined?

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