Join us to celebrate the achievements of the 60 impactful analytical scientists featured in the 2024 Power List.
08/18/2015 | Frank van Geel
Welcome to our second foray into the fascinating confluence of aesthetics and analytics, where we celebrate the wonderful and diverse world of analytical science by sharing your spectacular images.
03/25/2015 | Frank van Geel
Teachers of the analytical sciences have a hard job. Lesson preparation time is limited – and, if the teacher’s own educational background is lacking, he or she could struggle to deliver what students really need.
05/27/2014 | Frank van Geel
Where does inspiration come from? I mean the insight that leads you to a new invention or that suddenly makes you aware of the solution to a problem?
01/24/2014 | Frank van Geel
Are your interests mirrored by our content? With one year behind us, we want to know what you like and what you don’t like about The Analytical Scientist
10/15/2013 | Frank van Geel
After some (quite heated) debate, we have developed and now humbly present The Analytical Scientist Power List 2013.
06/10/2013 | Rich Whitworth, Frank van Geel
WADA is on a mission to rid sports of substances that impart an unfair advantage.
06/10/2013 | Frank van Geel
The governing body’s all-out war against athletes guilty of doping fails to uphold the ideals of sport – or of basic justice.
03/19/2013 | Frank van Geel
If any given sample was analyzed by five – or fifty – different labs today, how accurate and precise would the results be?
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The Planet Protector
Chromatography Free: It’s Closer Than You Think
CD-MS: To Megadalton and Beyond