Zachary S. Breitbach

Principal Research Scientist, Analytical Research and Development, AbbVie Inc., USA
Challenges? One of the biggest challenges in separation sciences is not technical, but rather the decrease in basic research and intense training in the field. Sometimes seen as a mature technique, chromatography groups may be overlooked for the sufficient funding needed to produce high value research programs and the resulting top talent the field needs.
Predictions? In the coming years, it is likely that we will see continued advances in miniaturization of analytical instrumentation while focusing on green technologies. Additionally, fast and deployable technologies that produce real-time data will be in demand, while the ability to operate remotely or autonomously will also grow. In the field of separation sciences, I hope to see further achievements around automated/predictive method development.
Secret to success? Any success is a direct result of the people I have had the fortune to interact with. I was lucky to have a strong upbringing that taught me the value of hard work and I have an amazing family that understands my drive to go the extra mile in my research. Most importantly, I have always been fortunate to work alongside the best and the brightest.
Advice? Work hard: put in the extra time and be persistent, it will pay off. Work fair: collaborate and recognize colleagues, you can’t do it all alone. Have fun: enjoy what you are doing.